Grainfree Zuchinnifritters

Ingredients Zuchinni -1.5 large ones Grated Parmesan Extra virgin olive oil 2 egg whites Almond...

Grainfree Zuchinnifritters
Poha with greenchutney

Whether you're a diehard cruncher or stalwart planker, your ab workout could probably use a tune-up.

Poha with greenchutney
Grilled Paneerpatty Vegetablepatties

Get fitter, faster. Burn calories quickly with this high-intensity circuit! If you've got 15 minutes, you can send fat fleeing.

Grilled Paneerpatty Vegetablepatties
Pumkinspice Pumkinoats

Ginger and Smoothie - it seems nothing in common, but see this recipe

Pumkinspice Pumkinoats