Benefits of Chia pudding :
- 64%more pottassium than bananas
- twice the antioxidants than blueberries
- 5 times more calcium than milk
- 32% daily magnesium requirements
- 3 times more iron than spinach
- 100% more omega 3 than Salmon
- Helps strengthen hair preventing hairfall and helping regrow hair , great for patients of alopecia , sebhorric dermatitis etc .
- Helps build immunity for people with Auto immune disease / low immunity / Gerd patients etc.
Benefits of Accai berry :
- Accai berrys are a native of south america sourced from the amazon rainforest, grown on palm tree’s .
- Rich in Antioxidants, helps prevent free radical damage and lowers oxidative stress
- Anti ageing : Rich in minerals and Vitamins , great for optimal health
- Omega 3 and 6 : Accai berrys are rich in omega 3 & 6,Oliec and lionleic acid which help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
- Anti cancer : Known to help protect against cancer growth cells to a great extent .
Benefits of Flaxseed :
- Rich in fiber
- Antiinflamatory
- Burns fat naturally
- Rich in Omega 3
- Rich in ligans –
- Phytoestrogen that protects against cancer
- relieves symptoms of pre and post menopause by help balancing hormones and relieves hot flushes in 50+women so great for womens health.
Ingredients :
- Chia seeds : 4 table spoons
- Accaiberry powder : 2 table spoons
- Vanilla : 1 tablespoon
- Cinnamon : half a tea spoon
- Nutmeg : Half a tea spoon
- Flaxseed meal : 2 table spoon
- Bananas :1
- Fresh Blueberries : 100 grams
- Almond butter : 1 tea spoon for the drizzle
- Dairy free milk : Oat/Soy/Almond milk.
Step 1 :Soak 4 tablespoon of chiaseeds overnight in #oatmilk (You can use any dairy free milk ) as in image below and mix throughly to remove any lumps . Keep to set in the fridge to form a pulpy thick mixture . (p.s. -If you do not have time soak minimum 1 hour prior to consumption .)

Step 2 : In the morning seggrate it into 2 parts .
Step 3 : Add 2 tablespoon of accaiberrypowder into one part and mix well and pour into bowl
Step 4 :Add a teaspoon of vanilla, maple and cinnamon to the remaining chiapudding , mix well and pour the balance into the bowl as in images below :

Step 5 : Glaze a sliced banana in a non stick pan in a dollop of cholesterol lowering butter, top with a dash of 5 spice powder, #nutmeg , and a dash vanilla and a teaspoon of pure maple and toss until it’s coated and gets burnt to get the glaze . Place on top of the chia pudding as you like it.

Step 5: Add a few fresh blueberries into the pan (no heat ) and glaze with the remaining liquid of any.
Disclaimer: These recipes are for normal healthy people . If you suffer from any chronic disease like Gerd /Acidreflux/Candida /SIBO gastritis/ IBS/ Leakygut/ Autoimmunedisease, Thyroid issues etc etc this may or may not be applicable for your particular condition. Feel free to DM me for a free zoom session with no strings attached whatsoever to tailor make a diet for your specific condition. Also if you have any allergies to Nuts or certain ingredients please check before consuming, we are not responsible. All rights reserved .