Pumkin is known to be a #Superfood , highly nutritious :
- Nutriet Dense, helps promote weight loss as its Low in calories
- Low food map so suitable for Gerd /LPR/SIBO/IBS patients
- Packed with vitamins helps boost immunity as its high in antioxidants containing alphacarotene and beta carotene that can help neutralize the harmfull effects of free radicals preventing cell damage as they contain Carotenoids which function as antioxidants therefore as per research lowering the risk of major lifestyle disease like cancer for the stomach ,throat, pancreas specifically etc .
- Rich in Vitamin A to help boost immunity and help fight infections
- Pumpkin
- Rolled oats 1 cup
- Cinnamon
- Turmeric
- Chinese 5 spice
- nutmeg
- Majdool Dates
- Almond milk carrageenan free
- White sesame
- Mixed seeds
- unhulled organic Tahini
- Extra virgin coconut oil

Step 1

Cook the rolled oats in half a cup of almond milk and 1 cup of boiling water on stove top as per package instructions , Add half a teaspoon of turmeric to give it a yellow colour , cook on low heat in the meanwhile chop the pumpkin and add to the oatmeal and cook until it’s cooked through . Adjust with more df milk or water if required..
Step 2
Add half a teaspoon of Pumkin spice or Chinese 5 spice , cinnamon and nutmeg and a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt.

Add half a teaspoon of Pumkin spice or Chinese 5 spice, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg and a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt

Lightly toast white sesame on medium heat in a ceramic pan on stove top until it pops and changes colour .
Step 3: Melt a 1.5 teaspoon of extra virgin coconut oil and a tablespoon of unhulled tahini in a double broiler to form a pourable liquid. (Add less coconut oil or omit for #Gerd patients or weightwatchers )

Step 3 – Once cooked , plate up in serving bowls , top with dates , toasted sesame (recipe in Earlier post ) , add mixed seeds and drizzle the melted tahini , top with a little maple and a teaspoon of vanilla and dig in to your perfect sweet and savoury oatmeal bowl , I honestly prefer it Cold as it’s more tasty then , bon appetite.

Top with Majdool dates , mixed seeds, toasted sesame, and almond flakes.

Disclaimer: These recipes are for normal healthy people . If you suffer from any chronic disease like Gerd /Acidreflux/Candida /SIBO gastritis/ IBS/ Leakygut/ Autoimmunedisease, Thyroid issues etc etc this may or may not be applicable for your particular condition. Feel free to DM me for a free zoom session with no strings attached whatsoever to tailor make a diet for your specific condition. Also if you have any allergies to Nuts or certain ingredients please check before consuming, we are not responsible. All rights reserved .