So are you guys all stuck at home #homebound due to #Covid-19 , well join the gang . I ran out of milk and was wondering what to do . I did not want to get out of the house and necessity is the mother of all invention. I had some organic oats sitting in the pantry and decided to make my own oat milk with no added additives or sugar . So much better than store bought oat milk which has hidden preservatives especially the long life ones which is poison for all as it’s highly acidic and causes inflammation in the body . .
So here goes , the recipe is given below. I hope this helps you all . It’s come out lump free , smooth and delicious. Perfect for all who are dairy free . (P.s. I have used #organicoats as they are #pesticidesfree and therefore safer to use than regular rolled oats which could be contaminated with hidden chemicals/pesticides and therefore best avoided. ) I therefore recommend only to use organic oats for making this . Do make it and give me your feedback, hope this helps you all , cheers
(Keep aside a very clean muslin cloth handy to use and a wide pot pan )
- Organic oats -75 grams or 3/4th Cup measure .
- Water – 1 litre filter water or 4.5 cups measure clean pure water.
- Majdool dates / vanilla – optional
Step 1 : In a mixer grinder, add 75 grams or 3/4 th of a cup of organic oats and a litre of clean pure water (4.5 cups measure of water ) and blitz together into a smooth lump free liquid on milkshake mode as in the image attached . (P.s . You can add 1 or 2 Majdool dates or vanilla essence for some sweetness if you wish , I have not added any and kept it natural )

Step 2: Next mix the mixture and strain in a clean muslin cloth as in the image below holding the sides on to a deep bowl large enough to hold the milk below .

Pour into a glass bottle and immediately keep in the fridge . It will last minimum 3 days .

Disclaimer: These recipes are for normal healthy people . If you suffer from any chronic disease like Gerd /Acidreflux/Candida /SIBO gastritis/ IBS/ Leakygut/ Autoimmunedisease, Thyroid issues etc etc this may or may not be applicable for your particular condition. Feel free to DM me for a free zoom session with no strings attached whatsoever to tailor make a diet for your specific condition. Also if you have any allergies to Nuts or certain ingredients please check before consuming, we are not responsible. All rights reserved .