- Fresh Nori sheets -2
- Brown rice – 1 cup pre cooked
- Avocado-1 ripe
- Tuna – 1 can
- Bamboo Matt – 1
- Rice wine vinegar- 1 tablespoon
- spicy Wasabi (optional)
- Japanese Dark Soy sauce (optional)

Step 1 : Drain the tuna can discarding all the olive oil .
Step 2 : Next mash the avocado and tuna together into a smooth non lumpy paste

Step 3 : Spread the bamboo Matt on an even dry surface like a large wooden platter or table

Step 4 : Next add the Fresh Nori sheet on the top of it spreading it in the same shape as the Matt .

Step 5 : Add a tablespoon of rice wine vinegar to the pre cooked low gi brown rice to help stick it together , (I used leftover brown rice sitting in the fridge and did not discard the peas as I was short for time ) and mash to a fine paste or keep as it is . (Mashing would ensure it sticks better, I kept it as it is )
Step 6 : Next add one layer of the brown rice horizontally in the middle of the nori sheet as shown in the image and top with the mashed avocado and tuna , top with cracked pepper and sea salt and next seal the edges with your fingertips dipped in a bit of water just enough to make the edges slightly damp . Next roll with the bamboo Matt as shown in the image.

Step 7 : Roll once more using the bamboo Matt as shown in the image .

Step 6 : Cut with a sharp knife in the middle.
Step 7 : Serve along with spicy wasabi and a mix of dark Japanese soy sauce and sesame oil flavoured with red chillies and shallots . Take it to work or pack for kids lunch box . (Please note it’s better to consume immediately and not store in the fridge ). I honeslty love this easy peasy recipy and quick meal , nutritious especialy when you do not feel like cooking something elaborate and washing like a 100 dishes ..!!! Hope you guys like it, cheers and bon appetite.

#Japanesecuisine #Avocadosushi #Brownricesushi #Diabetic #lowgi #alkalizeyourbody #coolingfood #antiinflamatorydiet #alkaline #alkalize #antiinflamatory #diabetes #acidreflux #acidrefluxdiet
Disclaimer: These recipes are for normal healthy people . If you suffer from any chronic disease like Gerd /Acidreflux/Candida /SIBO gastritis/ IBS/ Leakygut/ Autoimmunedisease, Thyroid issues etc etc this may or may not be applicable for your particular condition. Feel free to DM me for a free zoom session with no strings attached whatsoever to tailor make a diet for your specific condition. Also if you have any allergies to Nuts or certain ingredients please check before consuming, we are not responsible. All rights reserved .