Made with :
- 4 table spoons chia seeds soaked overnight in any dairy free milk
- 1 cup of gf oats
- Acai powder : 2 tablespoon
- Green cardamom (optional)
- Df milk : Oat/Almond/Rice /Soy
- Cinnamon :half a tea spoon
- Cholesterol lowering butter : half a tea spoon
- 100%Pure maple : optional (1 table spoon )
- Mixed seeds
- Vanilla
Step 1 : To make the chia seeds : Soak 4 tablespoon of #chiaseeds soaked in half a cup of any df milk (a dash of cinnamon , a table spoon of maple , a teaspoon of vanilla ) and stir it throughly well till it sets and becomes a thick jell like consistancy which takes around 30 minutes . Keep in the fridge in a glass jar with a lid to use next morning.
Step 2: In the morning cook on stove top 1 cup of # Gfoats cooked on stove top as per packet instructions infused with half a tea spoon of cinnamon and #greencardamom great for help relieving #reflux and aiding healthy #digestion

Step3 : #dfmilk – I used half a cup , I used soy , you can use any almond/rice / oat etc .I use dairy free as its better for #Gerddiet and people who suffer from digestive issues .
Step 4: Next add 2 tablespoon of acaipowder mixed in 2 tablespoon of any df milk of your choice .

Step 5:Toastedseeds -mixed seeds lightly toasted for 2 minutes on medium heat until the colour changes with a tiny dollop of cholesterol lowering butter , a dash of cinnamon, nutmeg and maple to caramelise it

Maple -1 tablespoon (optional) Vanilla-1 tablespoon
Finally assemble everything in glass bowls .First add the cooked gf oats next, next add the chia seeds pudding next to it and top with swirls of the accai powder mixed in df milk of your choice , finally top it with toasted seeds , maple , vanilla and #dessicatedcoconut . Do make it and give me your feedback, cheers guys


#lowfodmap #lowfodmapdiet #gerddiet #gerd #sibo #acidreflux #ibs #bloating #healthydigestion #healthydigestion #lowcarb #lowfat #lowcarbdiet
Disclaimer: These recipes are for normal healthy people . If you suffer from any chronic disease like Gerd /Acidreflux/Candida /SIBO gastritis/ IBS/ Leakygut/ Autoimmunedisease, Thyroid issues etc etc this may or may not be applicable for your particular condition. Feel free to DM me for a free zoom session with no strings attached whatsoever to tailor make a diet for your specific condition. Also if you have any allergies to Nuts or certain ingredients please check before consuming, we are not responsible. All rights reserved .